Architectural Visualization with C4D and Octane: Series Introduction

Photo of Brandon Clements

Instructor Brandon Clements

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  • Duration: 01:00
  • Views: 12793
  • Made with Release: 18
  • Works with Release: 18 and greater

In this series, take an in-depth look on how to use Octane Renderer with Cinema 4D.



Hello everyone. My name is Brandon Clements and in this series we will take a look at using Octane render for Cinema 4D R18. This series will cover all aspects of creating materials, using Octane shaders, exploring multiple lighting scenarios, creating render passes for post manipulation, and using the newly integrated Substance Engine featured in R18 to create an architectural visualization for an interior living space. We will also take a look at our render from Cinema 4D and Octane render and utilize Blackmagic Design's Fusion A to improve the look and feel of our renders. The primary goal of the series is to take an in-depth look at Octane render and provide explanation on material creation for a practical photo realistic project. All the scene files will be included with the series, so I invite you to follow along, and there is so much to talk about. So without further ado, let's go ahead and jump into our project.
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