Modeling and Animating Toothbrush Bristles: Introduction

Photo of Vic Garcia

Instructor Vic Garcia

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  • Duration: 00:48
  • Views: 6701
  • Made with Release: 16
  • Works with Release: 16 and greater

Use Cinema 4D to model and animate toothbrush bristles.

In this series, we will use the Hair Object in Cinema 4D to set up the bristles of a toothbrush and create a realistic dynamic simulation of a toothbrush brushing a set of teeth.



- Hi, I'm Victor Garcia. In this series, we'll use a hair object to Cinema 4D to set up the bristles of a toothbrush, and create a realistic dynamic simulation of a toothbrush brushing a set of teeth. We will start things off by setting up the growth areas for the toothbrush bristles, using CV-Boole Tools, UV edit and body paint. Using the hair object, we will then generate hair and adjust the look of the bristles with the hair material and hair tools. We'll then adjust the hair parameters, and use a dynamic interaction tool to zero in on the look and feel of stiff toothbrush bristles. We'll also use Cappucino to animate the toothbrush brushing in real time. We'll import a set of teeth into the scene, and use the hair collision tag to simulate contact between the bristles and the teeth. So let's go ahead and fire up Cinema 4D and get started.
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