CV-FireWorks: Introduction

Photo of Sam Welker

Instructor Sam Welker

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  • Duration: 00:48
  • Views: 4143
  • Made with Release: 17
  • Works with Release: 16 and greater

In this video we will show you the CV-Fireworks Preset.

In this video, we will tell you all about CV-Fireworks preset.

Fireworks preset features:
- Create endless types of firework variations
- Customize your firework height, size, color, shape, and adjust physics.
- Fireworks can emit from a point or from an image.
- Render with lights, hair, geometry, splines, and pyroclusters.
- Create multiple fireworks in a scene and impress your client with stunning visuals!



Hi this is Sam Welker and today we'll be looking at CV Fireworks. A preset I created to quickly and easily add fireworks to your scene. This powerful preset is designed to allow you to customize it to your heart's content, with the ability to change the firework's height, size, color, shape, physics and more. Rendering is a breeze with the CV Fireworks preset. Built in are tools to help you render with lights, hair, geometry, splines and pyroclusters. Create multiple fireworks in one scene using separate thinking particle groups to build a massive fireworks show. Premium Cineversity members and anybody with a current Maxon service agreement can download the preset today at Now, what are you waiting for? Go and make some great fireworks today using the CV Fireworks preset.
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