Cinema 4D Lite Reference: Series Introduction

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  • Duration: 01:06
  • Views: 11412
  • Made with Release: 16
  • Works with Release: 16 and greater

Cinema 4D Lite reference Series introduction.

This reference series will teach you everything you need to know in order to start creating spectacular graphics using C4D Lite, from the ground up. You don’t need any 3D knowledge, just a passion to learn 3D, a good sense of humour and Adobe After Effects CC.



- Welcome to Cinema 4D Lite, the Reference series. My name is Athanasios Pozantzis, but my friends call me "Thanassis". I will be your tutor for this series. Together, we will learn everything we need to know about Cinema 4D Lite, the free version of Cinema 4D that ships with Adobe After Effects CC. This series is aimed at the After Effects artist who wants to learn Cinema 4D, so to add a new dimension of quality to her or his work. In this epic series, we will be dabbling with everything you need to know about Cinema 4D Lite, including the interface, navigation, customization, modeling, texturing, lighting, animation, sweeping, lathing, moving, rotating, deforming, scaling, and many other exciting things. I promise you, by the end of this series you will be envied by your colleagues and feared by your enemies. Welcome to the wonderful four-dimensional world of Cinema 4D Lite.
Bienvenido a CINEMA 4D Lite, esta es la introducción de la serie. Mi nombre es Athanasios Pozantzis, pero mis amigos me llaman "Thanassis". Yo seré su tutor para esta serie. Juntos, vamos a aprender todo lo que necesitamos saber sobre el CINEMA 4D Lite. la versión gratuita de CINEMA 4D que se incluye con Adobe After Effects CC. Esta serie está dirigida a artistas de After Effects que quieren aprender el CINEMA 4D, para añadir una nueva dimensión de la calidad a su trabajo. En esta serie épica, estaremos incursionando con todo lo que necesita saber sobre CINEMA 4D Lite, incluyendo la interfaz, navegación, personalización, modelado, texturizado, iluminación, animación, desplazar, torneado, mover, rotar, deformar, escalado y muchas otras cosas interesantes. yo prometo, que finalizando esta serie será envidiado por sus colegas y temido por sus enemigos. Bienvenido al maravilloso mundo de cuatro dimensiones de CINEMA 4D Lite.
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